Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Common Themes

I've enjoyed reading through the blogs this morning. I love hearing what the kids have to say about technology. I've done this assignment in my social studies class. But, this is the first time I've done it in my technology course.

The themes that seem to be emerging are: issues of digital equity, lack of technology application in the classroom, and student interest in using technology. Gang, it sounds like we have our work cut out for us!

I love the way many of you are personalizing your, videos, links.....

I applaud you for your hard work this week. We're still working through a few bugs....but we're getting there. Thanks for your persistence and good humor!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Getting Back on Track....

Yesterday's blogging was a bit frustrating. But, I'm trying to frame it as a learning experience for us all!

About 1/2 of the class set up their new blogs last night. From the emails that I received, there was some relief to make the change for those who had gotten frustrated in bloglines over the weekend. Most folks remarked how easy it was to set up a blog in blogger. I was impressed with the good nature most students expressed. Thanks!

I didn't hear from the other 1/2 of the class. I'm hoping that they were just busy with other work last night and will have a chance to regroup today.

This is one of the things to work through when it comes to online learning...when you're teaching face-to-face you can see everyone and get a sense of how they are working through something like this. As opposed to online learning, when I don't hear from someone I'm not sure if they are struggling or just haven't gotten to the course work yet.

Onward and upward!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Playing with pictures

Nan, Julie, Andrea, Andrew, and Kristin all inserted pictures or videos in their blogs. Cool stuff!

I wanted to play around with someone. I don't have something class related here to post. But, I have some pictures of Virgina trying her "tucks and rolls" this past weekend.... This was easy to do!

Touching Base

Again, my apologies for this blog confusion!

Most of you hadn't posted the interviews yet, so hopefully I'm catchinng you before you get too far down the road.....

I just want to touch base on what we're all doing to make sure we're on the same page....

Everyone needs to set up a blog on a site other than Bloglines (since we can't post to one another on Bloglines).

Send your new URL to the class listserv.

Subscribe to one another's blogs (list the list on the right of this page).

Subscribe to 2 non-class related blogs.

Conduct student interviews and post reflections on blog (if you already did this, just copy and paste from your first blog...let me or Julie know if you need help with this).

Please try to post by Wed so that we have time for discussion.

Read one another's postings and comment. I understand that the comments will be less this week since you're spending more time just getting your postings up.

Bring in your curriculum exemplar ( a cool use of technology in either math/science or humanities -- bring the example - most likely a URL and an article that discusses it)

Read the blog articles on the website

Start thinking about your book review book....

I'll miss seeing you all tonight. But, I hope you can use the time to work on some of this.

Happy Blogging!

Subscribing to cohort members' blogs

Hi Everyone -

So, this is much easier than I expected. Within 15 minutes, I set up my new blog and subscribed to the class blogs that weren't in bloglines.

Take a deep breath....this procedure was painless and easy!

To subscribe to the other blogs, I simply clicked on

then, click on Add or Arrange Elements....I selected the option Link List....then you just add the URLs and names. Makes them very easy to follow!

As you go through this process, think are you learning through this process? What can we learn from setting up the blog that may impact our teaching????


Ok gang, we have to regroup.....

I've spent the morning subscribing to everyone's blogs and reading the intial postings on bloglines. Imgaine my frustration when I realized that I couldn't post a reply to anyone's blog! After a little searching, I've learned that is a drawback of bloglines. I'm frustrated on the time I wasted and frustrated I've wasted so much of your time.
But, I'm not frustated enough to go back to Blackboard!

Hopefully, we've caught this before too many of you invested too much time!

So, we're going to try this again. Please bear with me as we make adjustments.....

We'll live and learn...

Ahhhhh......the trials and tribulations of trying new technologies in the classroom.